Our areas of expertise
With more than 100 years of experience, DERUDDER has become one of the most reputed freight forwarder of the shipping industry in France. We offer high quality transportation and international shipping services for importers and exporters.
Years after years, and thanks to the long-term loyalty of our clients, DERUDDER has become an expert in some logistic niches. Thus, our company has specialized itself, in order to meet our customers high requirements, and because each commodity is specific and needs a particular logistic solution.
Since 100 years, DERUDDER has a strong reputation and know-how for the import of dry and refrigerated food : import of Organic foodstuffs, handing of sanitary and phytosanitary controls, taking sample to DDPP (ex DGCCRF) laboratories, Making sanitary entry documents,etc…
Our strength and agility have long won over many manufacturers; we thus ensure the transit of their heavy material, ore, metal bars, coils or over-sized tanks, turnkey factories. We even know how deal with many dangerous products such as fireworks or batteries.
Our specific know-how in the management of stocks and port warehouses allows us to meet the expectations of certain specific sectors such as the publishing world. This also led us to develop a service offer in contract logistics.