Brexit: Get ready to face the consequences
The Brexit negotiations are still going on, but one thing is certain: the legislation and customs tariffs governing the flow of goods between Europe and the United Kingdom will be turned upside down. The minister G. DARMANIN announced it very officially, in March 2019 all merchandise exchanged with Great Britain will have to be customs cleared. To cope with this volume of flows to be controlled, France has announced the recruitment of 700 customs officers and the opening of an office of the DGCCRF in Le Havre.
At Derudder, we follow and prepare with precision this change which will impact the transport of goods between France and England. Indeed, any import or export to or from England will be subject to a declarative obligation in the same way as goods from third countries to the European Union: customs clearance, veterinary or phytosanitary control, normative control (CE standards, standard toys, etc.), conformity for European standards, Bio.
Freight forwarder and custom commissioner, already operating on all major seaports in France, we are an ideal partner for cross-Channel transport, and can manage customs declarations and paperwork via the ports of Calais, Dunkirk, Le Havre, Cherbourg, Caen, Ouistreham, Saint-Malo, Dieppe. Roscoff does not have a customs office in the immediate future.
We are also able to carry out the ENS (entry summary declarations) for you. As a reminder, the ICS (Import control system) declaration must be made before loading goods or crossing the Channel Tunnel; This is when the carrier must file an ENS (Summary Entry Declaration) containing a set of information (nature of the goods, carrier contact details, recipient contact details, packaging, etc.). Once the declaration has been made and sent, the 1st country of entry for the goods from the European Union will return an MRN (attribution number) allowing the ENS to be identified.