


What are HS Codes?


The Harmonized System (HS) is the standardized coding system of names and numbers used in international trade. Over 200 countries representing about 98 percent of world trade use the HS as a basis for customs tariffs and the compilation of international trade data and statistics. HS compliance refers to the mandatory proper classification and declaration of goods coming into or leaving France. As an importer or exporter, you are responsible for the correct declaration of your goods.

What is Taric Code ?


TARIC, the integrated Tariff of the European Union, is a multilingual database integrating all measures relating to EU customs tariff, commercial, and agricultural legislation. A TARIC Code is composed of 10 digits, the first 6 digits being the HS code.

TARIC consultation

What is EUR 1?


Also known as a ‘movement certificate’, enables importers in certain countries to import goods at a reduced or nil rate of import duty under trade agreements between the EU and beneficiary countries.

What is a COI?


Certificate of Inspection (COI) for organic products is a certificate used to improve the traceability and control of organic products imported from third countries.

According to the European Commission Regulation n°1235/2008 on the regime for imports of organic products from third countries, all consignments of organic products imported from third countries must be accompanied by a COI.

In France, this certificate will be checked and stamped by the DGAL for products of animal origin and the DGCCRF for products of plant origin at designated points of entry.

What is an EORI?


The Economic Operator Registration and Identification is a unique number necessary for import and export formalities outside the European Union.

for more information about the EORI number please click on the link below :

Who is Concerned about affording an EORI number?


Companies carrying out customs clearance operations in France or another European Union country must be registered EORI when :

  1. they are established in France ;
  2. they are established in another Member State of the European Union
  3. they are established in a country outside the European Union.

What do I need to know before I import goods?


As a commercial importer, you must have a valid EORI number to allow you to export and import outside the EU, also if your products are organic you must provide a COI.

Shipments of sanitary and phytosanitary goods is a little bit strict, plants and plant products are subject to the obligation of a phytosanitary control at the Community point of entry (PEC) and the presentation of a DSCE-PP (common health document – plant product). This inspection gives rise to the payment of a veterinary fee collected by customs.

What do I need to know before I export goods?


Before exporting goods from France you must obtain an EORI number and avoid the followings products or have permission to export them :

  1. Antiquity over 100 years old.
  2. Vehicle over a certain age for many countries.
  3. Weapon.
  4. Waste

For more information, please click on the links below :

Importing or exporting waste

What is the customs concept of introduction and shipping?


This concept refers to the intra-Community trade of goods (buying and selling in the EU).
Only one formality: the Declaration of Exchange of Goods (DEB), above a certain threshold. You buy raw materials, and products or equipment for your business in EU countries and sell duty-free to the businesses community.

Why is the choice of Incoterms decisive?


International conditions of sale With regard to customs formalities, the incoterm :

  1. reflects the division of respective responsibilities between the supplier and the buyer.
  2. is one of the key elements that determine the value in import customs.

Why is the origin of the goods important?


When the EU concluded a free trade agreement with a third country, a product complying with the rules of origin of this agreement may eventually benefit, on the importation, of a reduced or zero customs duty on presentation of a valid proof of origin.

List of unilateral agreements and preferences of the European Union